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de (the latin for About)

I'm entirely the artist, tired and wearied, yet observant, hopeful, eager to alter the world for a lighter version.  My novels are filled with poetry, heart, art, and tales of darkness, depth, homelessness, depression, fits of suicidal thoughts, intimate partner violence, all based upon my interpretations of real events.  "Based off a true story,"  that's my life, and that's how my books come across, as realistic fiction.


I have always had the gift of being a storyteller, and, I have funneled that gift into five manuscripts and one book that is completely a compilation of my poetry (for I was a poet before I was a novelist) all of which I have a prayer to publish.  I seek not fame, not recognition, but for the world to have another message, another tale that might inspire, save, change, and advance my brethren in this chaotic world.  I also want to end homelessness about the world.  (With God all things, all things through Christ).


I have six books that I am currently seeking to get out there, whether through traditional publishing or the do-it-yourself route.  I hope to soon follow my heart.  My books have the realism of Khaled Hosseini (The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns),  the shock and boldness and accuracy of Richard Wright (Native Son, Black Boy), the poetry of Robert Frost and Maya Angelou, the bildungsroman of J.D. Salinger, and the perilous romance of Ian McEwan (Atonement).  Yet, my books, too, have the passion of myself, the words of a 21st century youth, on the brink of adulthood with the ambition and hopefulness everyone first holds.  I hope that you might be able to help me.


In the words of my architecture professor, my desire to be published is like "Horton Hears A Who... you know, you have to believe in it... at some point (praise the Lord *^.^) you're going to have to hear a Who... at some point, you're going to have to believe in what you're doing." 


Through every darkness the Lord has led me through, I can say that my theme song has been Glee's version of the journey song "Don't Stop Believin'" because, through every doubt, Christ still blesses me to believe.  It's that great Footprints in the Sand prayer, it's the following quote from Grey's Anatomy:  "The key is to think of yourself as one of the Whos down in Whoville, you know when the Grinch came down and stole all their presents. They didn't let that ruin Christmas for them. You know, instead, they came out on Christmas morning and they sang... Sing Cindy Lou, sing."


And so, I pray the world will hear my song.




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